We are back with another exciting contest which is open for all the registered Pay1 retailers. There will be daily match prize winners as…
Diwali brings amazing earning opportunities to our ‘Offline Retail Network’
by Vikas Singhby Vikas SinghThe festival of light proclaims prosperity and success, it brings an atmosphere of growth where every business tries their best to cash in on…
अपने स्टोर से अच्छा ख़ासा मुनाफ़ा कमाने वाले पुणे के योगेश चोर्दिया तेज़ रफ़्तार से बढ़ती नेट आधारित व्यापारिक गतिविधियाँ जैसे ऑनलाइन रीचार्ज, ऑनलाइन…
On a perfect day it may happen that the retailer or the customer may imperfectly feed the number into the system assuming the recharges…
Pragati Capital
Pragati capital is focused on providing financial empowerment: Ek kadam, aarthik aazadi ki or….
by Vikas Singhby Vikas SinghWhen Naresh Gupta, of Banaras ran pillar to post looking for a bank loan, he realised that it was easier to either sell off his assets or…
“Give a man a fish; you feed him for a day; teach him how to fish, and he will be able to feed…
क्या आप हमेशा से अपना खुदका बिज़्नेस चाहते थे? खुद बिज़्नेस का मालिक बने क्या यह सोचकर आपमे उत्सुकता भर जाती हैं? यदि हाँ,…
(Pay1 retailer Kanchan Singh who operates from home) India has been witnessing a drop in the number of women employed. It is common to…
Who does not wish for his/her business to grow? But not all businesses are successful. Same is the case with the business of retail.…
India has traditionally been a resourceful and entrepreneurial society. Small business has always been a way of life. The difference now however, is the…